Published Work
Ma*, S., Burgers*, A. P. Liu, G., Wilson, J., Zhang, Thompson, J. D., Universal gate operations on nuclear spin qubits in an optical tweezer array of 171Yb atoms. In review PRX (2021) arXiv:2112.06799
Burgers, A. P., Ma, S., Saskin, S., Wilson, J., Alarcon, M. A., Greene, C. H., Thompson, J. D., Controlling Rydberg excitations using ion core transitions in alkaline earth tweezer arrays. Accepted to PRX Quantum (2021) arXiv:2110.06902
Beguin, J., Laurat, J., Luan, X., Burgers, A. P., Luan, X. Qin, Z., & Kimble, H. J. Reduced volume and reflection for bright optical tweezers with radial Laguerre-Gauss beams. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 117, 26019-26117 (2020) arXiv:2001.11498
X. Luan, J-B Beguin, A. P. Burgers, ZZ Qin, S-P Yu, H. J. Kimble, The Integration of Photonic Crystal Waveguides with Atom Arrays in Optical Tweezers. Advanced Quantum Technologies 2020, 2000008.
Wilson, J., Saskin, S., Meng, Y., Ma, S., Burgers, A. P. Thompson, J. D., Efficient trapping of alkaline earth Rydberg atoms in optical tweezers. In review Phys Rev Lett (2021). arXiv:1912.08754
Beguin*, J., Burgers*, A. P., Luan, X. Qin, Z., & Kimble, H. J. An advanced apparatus for the integration of nanophotonics and cold atoms. Optica, 7, 1 (2020). arXiv:1912.02198
Burgers, A. P., Peng, L. S., Muniz, J. A., McClung, A. C., M. J. Martin & Kimble, H. J. Clocked delivery of cold atoms to a photonic crystal waveguide. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 116, 456-465 (2019). arXiv:1810.07757
Paudel, U., Burgers, A. P., Yakes, M. K., Bracker, A. S., Gammon, D., & Steel, D. G. Frequency-dressing a stream of single photons with preserved coherence. Phys. Rev. A 98, 011802(R) (2018).
Hill, A. D., Hervas, D., Nash, J., Graham, M., Burgers, A. P., Paudel, U., ... & Wang, J. Optimizing single-mode collection from pointlike sources of single photons with adaptive optics. Optics Express, 25(16), 18629-18642 (2017).
Burgers, A. P. "Towards Quantum Teleportation from a Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion Source to a Quantum Dot Spin by Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference." Dissertation, University of Michigan (2015).
Burgers, A. P., Schaibley, J. S., Steel, D. G., Entanglement and Quantum Optics with Quantum Dots, In “From Atomic to Mesoscale: The Role of Quantum Coherence in Systems of Various Complexities”. World Scientific Press, Ed. Svetlana Malinovskaya, Irina Novikova, and Christian Buth. (2015).
Schaibley*, J. S., Burgers*, A. P., McCracken, G. A., Duan, L-M, Berman, P. R., Bracker, A. S., Gammon, D., Sham, L. J., Steel, D. G., Demonstration of Quantum Entanglement Between a single Quantum Dot Electron Spin and a Photon. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 167401 (2013). Editor’s Choice in Science. *Equal contribution
Schaibley, J.S., Burgers, A.P., McCracken, G.A., Bracker, A.S., Gammon, D., Sham, L.J., Steel, D.G., Direct Detection of Time Resolved Rabi Oscillations in a Single Quantum Dot via Resonance Fluorescence. Phys. Rev. B 87, 115311 (2013)
Postdoctoral Scholar at Princeton University
August 2019 - present
Led the team trapping Yb atoms in optical tweezers.
Quantum Optics Research Scientist at Caltech
September 2017 - August 2019
I oversaw the quantum optics experimental labs at Caltech where we were coupling atoms to nanophotonic waveguides using an optical lattice delivery method. We created a new lab utilizing optical tweezers for controlled single-atom delivery to nanophotonic structures
Postdoctoral Scholar at Caltech
July 2015 - September 2017
Conducted experiments coupling atoms to nanophotonic waveguides using an optical lattice conveyor belt to deliver atoms. We performed extensive calculations of atomic trajectories to understand the behavior of atoms near the device. details of this experiment are found in the first publication above, Clocked atom delivery to a photonic crystal waveguide.
PhD Student at The University of Michigan
Spetember 2008 - July 2015
Conducted research with applications to quantum information science using quantum dots. The most groundbreaking of these was the demonstration of entanglement between a quantum dot spin and its spontaneously emitted photon. This work was published in PRL and was chosen by Science as the editor's choice.